Your unshakeable 7-figure reputation is waiting for you! Are you ready?

I'm ready


Imagine becoming the go-to expert in your field, being approached for your thoughts by top tier media on the regular, being invited to speak on podcasts, panels and at world-class speaking events and landing pinch-me collaborations... and opportunities because your efforts? 


Welcome to The Scoop, my friend!


This is the place for the founder who's ready to get serious about becoming a household name, creating a bigger impact and being the global leader they know in their bones they were always meant to be. A yearly membership dedicated to media and publicity marketing and movement-leader messaging, here you'll find all the tools you need to build a 7 figure reputation that helps you scale and create greater impact with more ease.  


Whether you're seeking investment, desire sold-out launches every time or are looking to help thousands (or millions) through speaking events, book writing and your services, getting earned (rather than paid for) media publicity is a non-negotiable.


Founded by a Forbes, Vogue and Sunday Times journalist and serviced by media insiders and experts, The Scoop is the vehicle that will get you to these destinations whilst also being a strategically-savvy move that'll save you tens of thousands a year in PR retainer fees.

Master your media outreach so that getting featured in magazines, newspapers, podcasts and everything in between feel so effortless you could do it in your sleep.


Build a reputation that sells itself - even when you're not working - and get more people purchasing from you faster.
Become your industry's no 1 expert, impact thousands more lives and build the kind of purpose that fills you with pride and has you excited for each new day.

You've thought about going for the media, but...

You just can't seem to get round to doing it.

You're time strapped and you've heard from fellow founders about the money they poured into PR and getting publicity, only to achieve low-grade mentions in media that did nothing to solidify their reputation or boost their sales..

All in all, it sounds like a bit of a headache.

But the good news is, we're here to tell you there's a better way.

We know you're here to shake up the world, but that you want proper journalists to come to you for a change rather than relying on low-grade 'guaranteed feature!' press releases being distributed to media outlets you've never even heard of. We know you want to land media features that feel more 'global tastemaker' than 'puff-piece.' 

If you know deep down that the big players in your industry get invited; get asked to comment, to share their story, to be interviewed and you're damn well ready to be one of them...

You've come to the right place. 



What if you could build a 7 figure reputation that sells itself?

...without pouring thousands every month into PR retainers that don't work and without compromising your integrity by paying to play in the media?

What if you could get off the precarious platform of solely relying on social media for your marketing?

Getting true, earned media publicity (where you haven't paid for an advertorial or something of the kind) is the ultimate work-smarter-not-harder strategy.

⚡ It builds your audience faster with aligned, ideal clients...

⚡ It super-speeds your audience's like, know and trust journey, getting them buying from you faster...

⚡ It grows and solidifies your reputation...

⚡ It positions you as the go-to expert in your field...

⚡ And it's THE ticket to getting book deals, investment and dream collaborative opportunities (seriously - you'll struggle to get the above without them).

 If you’re no longer satisfied with being seen as 'just' another coach, creative or founder...

... are becoming a bit of a big fish in a small pond dreaming  of the ocean's vastness...

...and are looking to build a unique, clear and defined story around who you are, what you do and what you stand for...

 The Scoop VIP Membership is the place for you.



We've honed an elite menu of courses, resources, intimate Q+As, supportive calls and databases that give you the tools, drive and support you need to land features in world-famous magazines and newspapers, as well as speaking opportunities on podcasts, radio and TV shows, radio shows.


What Clients Have to Say



The Scoop VIP Membership is for the entrepreneur, business owner, creative, coach, expert, mentor who's ready to build the kind of status and authority that super-speeds ideal clients from strangers to "OMG I need to work with you" whilst bringing you out of the small pond of social media and onto the world's stage. Whatever your industry or expertise, whether you're a small business strategist, or you've founded a company that makes insulated water bottles - your expertise and story is valuable to your customers - and we want to help you get more of them on your doorstep whilst also creating an impact you're proud of.



  • … putting all your eggs in the social media basket and relying on it as your sole marketing strategy.  
  • … being seen as 'just another' (insert your profession here) and lacking opportunities to show the world outside social media why you're different.
  • … feeling held back from scaling in the way you know you're capable of.
  • ... either spending £50k a year on PR retainers, paying for faux media coverage or just not bothering with media at all.


  • …waking up feeling at peace because you know you're fulfilling a purpose much greater than just making sales - you're actually impacting people with your experience and expertise.
  • Knowing exactly how to package your message and purpose in a way that means even people outside your circle 'get' what makes you unique straight away
  • …working smarter, not harder to build your reputation, scale your business and attract a dream audience who are ready and prepped to buy from you because they know EXACTLY who you are and why they should trust you 
  • ...having time to do the other things that inspire you because you have mastered how to promote and market in a way that has greater impact than social media alone
  • … never worrying you 'don't have enough proof' outside your own marketing again and feeling excited to open your DMs, knowing there will always be 'send me the link' messages
  • ...learning to do media outreach in-house in a way that doesn’t take HOURS and actually works without having to pay someone to do it for you 
  • ...creating relationships with journalists, podcast hosts, radio hosts, tv producers that lead to fruitful, career advancing opportunities


The Scoop is a game changer - Bianca is a media secret weapon and I look forward to everything new that comes out. Everything Bianca [teaches] is so practical and useful that my team can turn it around and use it that week in our pitching. I now have our VA acting as our in-house media outreacher instead of paying a PR agency thousands a month for hardly any return. I'm so grateful for this amazing resource - it's helped us uplevel our media beyond what we could imagine.



The Scoop VIP Membership is your proven tool kit for landing media, speaking and reputation building opportunities that will grow your audience, build your reputation and scale your business for the long term.
Tell me more

Here's to people other than you shouting about how great you are! 

The only thing standing between the effort you put into your business and the impact you know you can make is knowing how to build a reputation in a more efficient, long-lasting way. 


Quick Media Wins

 Seen journalists post on socials that they're looking for experts but don't know how to find the opportunities related to you or how to stand out from all the other responses? Quick Media Wins will teach you how to find, interpret and respond to requests that can have you landing top-tier media coverage in a matter of days.


Turning Media into Sales 

You're landing the amazing features you've always dreamed of, but now you want to make sure they are making you as much money as possible! 

Turning Media into Sales is the course that will teach you exactly how to do this, showing you proven techniques that will make those media wins make you as many sales as possible.


Landing Dream Features

Always dreamed of a full page spread in that glossy magazine or that weekend newspaper?

Landing Dream Features teaches you EXACTLY how to approach the media in the most proactive and effective way, so you can achieve meaningful, feature-length stories about you, your business and expertise whilst building a meaningful media network that you can gain more opportunity from in the future.


Fearless Visibility

Are you yearning to make a huge impact but hold a deep-rooted limiting belief that being more visible leaves you open to criticism? Learn to master your mindset so that you can ditch the imposter syndrome, stop playing small and show up as the leader you were born to be


Guest Star

If you're ready to be the speaker everyone is clamouring to book, this is the course for you. Our Speaking Course will give you step by step instructions and tools to show you exactly what to do to land those dream speaking gigs, how to deliver a message that has value and moves people and how to turn that into sales and opportunities.

Bonuses worth £6485

Monthly Support Calls

  • Tap into our monthly hour-long support calls where The Scoop team will answer your burning questions and offer a professional perspective.
  • Whether you want to run an idea for a pitch by us, get guidance on how to handle a response from a journalist or ask a question about the membership materials, this is a safe and energised space to get to troubleshoot your challenges and tap into the support of the wider Scoop community.

Monthly Q&A's with top tier journalists (+ access to all previous recordings)

  • Once a month join us for a virtual meet-and-greet with a top tier journalist.
  • Learn how they work, how they like to be pitched and have the opportunity to ask them your questions. 
  • Get face to face with journalists from publications such as Vogue, Evening Standard, The Times, Forbes, Entrepreneur etc - the perfect opportunity to start building those all important relationships so that those journalists learn who you are and start coming to you.

Access to our Journalist Database

  • Gain access to our ever-growing journalist database - a library of journalists split into sectors so you can easily find the media that are relevant to you.
  • We provide you with an overview of their area of interest, where you can find them and also their contact details so that handling your media outreach has never been easier.

Resource Library

  • Gain access to ready-to-go, plug-and-play templates written BY media experts. We've done the hard work for you so you know they are going strike interest in the person receiving that email. 
  • Templates include pitching templates, media calendars, an organisational tool, workbooks and glossaries.


  • Get first dibs and member pricing for our ever-in-demand 1:1's.
  • Spend 2 uninterrupted hours per session diving deep into your media outreach, messaging and overall publicity strategy. These are only released once every 3 months with limited slots, so have the opportunity to get in there first. 

Events & Workshops

  • Gain first access and best price tickets for our private events, workshops and retreats - all focused on moving you so you can move others, change their lives and feel good about your own whilst doing so.
  • Build a strong network with other entrepreneurs and journalists, media experts whilst learning from engaging talks, panels and speakers. 

Quarterly Challenges

  • Take part in our quarterly challenges (each focused on a different aspect of media and publicity.
  • Do this work alongside supportive and understanding peers who lift each other. 
  • Gain major media wins by collapsing the timeline between action and results. 
  • Win swoon-worthy prizes - for results and proactive-ness.

Once you put the techniques you learn from The Scoop VIP Membership into action, these are the kinds of results you can expect:

How do i get these results too?


  • You've got the expertise - and see others who have the same or less experience as you in the same industry speaking about themselves, successfully growing their audience and bringing in big money.
  • You have a sneaky suspicion that all of those other experts who are out there killing it are doing WAY more than just posting on socials (they are!) - and you're ready to step out of the "must create content" matrix and start taking the "sky rocket to get in front of millions" route.
  • You want to know what the secret sauce is that other people in your industry have - and you're fed up of people telling you "it was just luck" or "I was in the right place at the right time" 
  • You know you could be making so much more money - but you just don't know how to get in front of your audience when they are prepped and ready to buy 
  • You know you want to get your expertise heard in a legit way, not by paying for bogus media, but you don't know what the best route is - you just know you don't want to drop the equivalent of a house deposit on PR every year.
  • You know that you are the best advocate for your business - and you know that you have something to say
  • You're ready for people to see you doing your thing in the media - and immediately feel like "YES! THIS IS THE LEADER I NEED!!"
  • You are SO READY for the day when you open your inbox and it's filled with people offering you opportunities and asking to work with you - without you always having to go out to them
  • You're ready to stop hearing the words - "maybe later" and you're ready to start hearing "send me the link to buy" instead
  • You're ready to leave behind the little leagues - stop being seen as one-of-many and become the one-in-a-million leader you were born to be.

The Scoop VIP Membership is the key to ditching the convincing hustle for good and help you build a reputation so solid and unshakeable that it sells itself for you - even when you're not working. 

I want in

42% of people rank press as the most trustworthy type of content, ahead of spokespeople (29%) and company websites (21%)

Phew! And the stats don't lie, baby! 

Why learning how to utilise the media is so important when building a 7 figure reputation:

💰Traditional media lasts waaaaay longer than social media so even in years to come, you'll still be dining out off the features you secure. 

💰 People want to know who you are and why they should trust you, having a journalist write about you, or being on a panel or podcast gives you Third Party Endorsement (essentially having someone else shouting about how amazing you are is more powerful than you shouting about it)

💰People will almost always subconsciously choose a brand that's been featured by a known media brand over one that hasn't - it catapults you to trusted status straight away, so people buy faster.

 💰You know how people are always saying you need to “work smarter, not harder” in business? Well, building your reputation in a strategic way is exactly that - it’s the smartest marketing strategy there is for having the most impact with the least effort and money.

 💰Utilising the media allows you to reach thousands (or millions) of potential clients at the same time whilst showcasing your best expertise - no out-of-control, 'got to go viral with random videos' over here - this is intentional fame building where you get to stay in control of the message and who you’re reaching.

💰Your audience consumes the media when their nervous system is relaxed, meaning they're super receptive to your message. This, in turn, creates a greater impact for them, meaning you can truly change their lives and they come to you READY to buy. 

I'm ready for business to be easier


The Scoop VIP Membership

  • Turning Media into Sales (sold separately for £997)
  • Quick Media Wins (sold separately for £797)
  • Landing Dream Features (sold separately for £1497)
  • Fearless Visibility (sold separately for £197)
  • Guest Speaker (valued at £897)
  • BONUS: Template library & resources bank (valued at £497)
  • BONUS: Journalist Database (valued at £997)
  • BONUS: Monthly Support Calls (valued at £1997 per year)
  • BONUS: Monthly Q&A's with top tier journalists (who are paid for their time) from titles like Vogue, The Times, Entrepreneur (valued at £2497 per year)
  • BONUS: Quarterly challenges (valued at £497 per year)

ALL OF THIS IS WORTH OVER £10,870 per year

But you can get it for just 

£1997 per year.


One Payment of


** Save £200

enroll today!


3  X Monthly Payments of


Total = £2097 ** Save £100

enroll today!


6 X Monthly Payments of


Total = £2197 

enroll today!

What makes

The Scoop VIP Membership 


Look we get it - every person with an Instagram account is out there claiming to change your life. BUT, honestly? Without utilising media, podcasts, speaking events etc to build your reputation, you will always be swimming in a small pond - you need to impact the people you always dreamt of and to build the kind of reputation that sells itself and media is the key to doing this.


We teach you from a 360 perspective


You have two teachers - one from each side of the fence (PR and Media). Being a FORBES columnist, VOGUE, Cosmo and Sunday Times journalist, Bianca reads pitches every single day and knows exactly what a journalist wants to see when they open your email. 

Grace has worked with clients big and small, fine tuning the techniques that actually work to get her clients the coverage they want to receive.

You have the best of BOTH worlds, someone who represents the experts and someone who writes about them.

To add to that - we are both business owners ourselves. We've been exactly where you are and now we've done the hard work for you, we've fine tuned EXACTLY what works - so you don't have to.

This is a level of insider access you'll not see elsewhere! 


We don't just focus on media

The biggest mistake we've seen entrepreneurs make is just getting press and then... doing nothing with it. We teach you how to not only land those media wins but how to actually leverage them for further success, whether that be greater financial results, an expanded empire, investment or simply more impact.


We give you unrivalled direct access to journalists and media experts

We want to give you as much access as possible to the people who are going to have a direct impact on your success. We give you as many opportunities to interact with our friends and colleagues in the press as possible, so you can build your own network and be in the room where things happen.


“Publicity is absolutely critical. A good PR story is infinitely more effective than a front-page ad.” - Richard Branson

Our members have been featured in: 

+ so much more!

Bill Gates famously said, "if I was down to my last dollar, I'd spend it on PR,"

What if we told you that you didn't need to have previous media experience, a pricey PR company or pro-level pitching skills and you could still get featured in world class media... TOMORROW? 


Hi friend, Bianca here - journalist and founder of The Scoop.


If I were looking to get the world's attention on my business, I'd follow the steps I teach in The Scoop.

As a journalist (I'm a writer forVOGUE, Courier, The Sunday Times, Refinery29, Cosmopolitan, BBC and the Evening Standard, as well as being a Senior Contributor to Forbes (an honour only 5% of their writers are given) and speaking as a guest expert on places such as Sky News), I get asked all the time by creatives and business owners about how they can get themselves into the media. It’s one of, if not the most, effective ways to scale, build a movement and bring visibility, credibility and - crucially - customers and their money to your brand.

The trouble is, for most people, access to this information costs thousands a month in the form of PR - seriously not the one if you want profit margins that make you sing rather than cry.

But I believe that if you're savvy enough to search for alternatives to spending upwards of £50,000 a year on PR (and that's a conservative estimate) you're exactly the kind of leader whose stories, expertise and message should be spread to the world. 

 That’s why I created The Scoop VIP Membership - the first membership of its kind. Here, you’ll be learning from the professionals - journalists, editors and trained PRs - exactly what you need to do to get yourself into major media outlets so that you can build your profile and, ultimately, earn more money.

I seriously can't wait to welcome you into the membership family!

And I'm Grace - a PR and Bianca's right hand woman!


Having started my first PR business over a decade ago, I bring my first hand experience of the ever developing world of PR, media and publicity directly to my audience.

When people learn that I am a PR, I usually hear the same stories - either of having worked with PR companies in the past that charged them huge sums of money and didn’t create the results that were promised, or wanting to get media coverage but feeling like it wasn’t a cost they could justify at their current business stage. I always get the same question that follow this conversation - 'how can I achieve better results on my own?! I haven’t got the time, or the contacts to do my own PR and I wouldn’t even know where to begin!'

If you’ve asked these questions, to yourself or a PR that you know, then you’re in the right place at The Scoop! Over the last 10 years, I have fine tuned techniques to make getting into publications like VOGUE, The Times, Elle, Red, Tatler and Forbes, on to podcasts and radio shows fool proof as well as time saving! I’d rather teach you how to do it for a fraction of the cost, than see you go to a PR agency whose going to charge you thousands (yes thousands!) to do exactly what you can do - and probably with more passion. 

I know that the techniques we are going to teach you in our membership work because I’ve used them myself to land press for my clients in The Telegraph, GQ, Stylist, Marie Claire and many many more. Combine that with Bianca’s knowledge as a top tier journalist - you have the most amazing knowledge at your fingertips and we can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with it! 

Imagine if...

🔥 You could get a piece of press and know that sales were coming in off the back of it - over and over again.

🔥You were regularly being invited to events, to speak on panels, on podcasts; journalists are emailing and calling you up as they know you’re the best expert in the field to speak to.

🔥 "Send me the link" messages from strangers were your new baseline and receiving so many sales notifications each day that you have to scroll through them becomes the norm.

🔥You could speak to millions of your ideal clients at the same time and knew exactly what to say to change their lives and inspire them to buy.

🔥 People were queueing up months in advance to work with you because they already know you're the one to help them.

🔥 You opened your inbox to see opportunities for dream collaborations, projects and next-level steps coming to YOU. 

Let's do this!

All your questions - answered


How much longer are you going to watch other experts become the story when you know you can have a piece of that pie?

We know, deep down, you want to build the kind of success you dreamed of when you started out; to do this you need to make more sales in less time in a way that you actually enjoy, has value and creates meaningful impact. Otherwise, what's the point?

If this wasn't the case, you wouldn't have gotten this far. 

This membership is for anyone who still feels like they're struggling to get their business on a bigger map than social media. 

So if you're ready to take that leap and finally be seen for how good you truly are, we're here for you. 

We'll stick with you as you translate your message for your ideal media market, find and land major media opportunities then turn yourself into the leader you know you can be.

We're so ready for this. The question is, are you? 

let's do this!