The ingredients of a full feature

So as I said last week, a full feature is where you and your expertise forms the main subject of a piece. It's usually written up in long form (as opposed to a question and answer style). But what actually goes into it? What do you need to be aware of if you're pitching yourself for this sort of feature?
Let's get into it...
These pieces will often include context about why speaking to you about a particular topic or your experience in general is relevant right now. This might include news or popular culture references or new research or statistics.
A running theme
Even in celebrity features of this kind, there is always a running theme throughout the story - possibly why they're finally 'speaking their truth' (gross phrase but it does the job of explaining) or why they're finally feeling more confident. For you, it might be how you achieved something, why you're now taking a particular step or something valuable you've learnt. It's important because it gives the piece a point. It provides an anchor - a structure - so it doesn't end up just reading like a long list of anything and everything you've ever done.
Your backstory
Though this isn't meant to be a biography, some of your back story and experiences will be included - this sometimes includes your upbringing, education and early experiences. The focus will usually be on the significant events or challenges that shaped your journey - something that helps the audience understand the person behind the story.
Value, value, value. There has to be a pay off for the audience once they've read your feature - something they'll get out of it if they stick with it until the end. Perhaps it's advice, tips or tricks or maybe it's a better understanding on a certain topic, newfound inspiration or food for thought. Whatever it is, you need to be prepared to demonstrate what this might be within your pitch.