How to prepare for being featured on the news


Last week, we explored the art of pitching yourself for news appearances, and this week, we're diving into the crucial aspect of preparing for your live news segment as a guest expert or commentator. I get it - the thought of facing the camera makes even me want to scream into a pillow, but fear not! With the right preparation, you can shine like a pro and make a lasting impact on your audience.

Here are some invaluable tips to help you feel confident and deliver a stellar performance:

Prepare, prepare, prepare:

Thorough preparation is the key to conquering nerves. Research the topic of discussion inside out and gather relevant data and insights. Anticipate potential questions and develop concise, compelling answers. The more prepared you are, the more confidence you'll exude on camera.

Craft a strong core message:

Identify the key message you want to convey during your segment. Structure your talking points around this central idea to ensure clarity and focus. Remember, brevity is key, so distill your message into a few memorable and impactful sentences.

Practice makes perfect:

Rehearse your responses to common questions or talking points. Practice in front of a mirror or with a trusted friend or colleague. Pay attention to your body language, tone of voice, and pacing. Aim for a natural and confident delivery while avoiding excessive jargon or waffling.

Visualise success:

Before going on air, take a moment to visualise yourself acing the interview. Imagine yourself speaking eloquently, maintaining a calm demeanour, and connecting effortlessly with the audience. Visualising success can help alleviate nerves and boost your overall performance.

Try deep breathing exercises:

Deep breathing exercises are a simple yet effective way to calm nerves and reduce anxiety. Take a few minutes before your segment to sit quietly, close your eyes, and take slow, deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. This practice can help regulate your heart rate, relax your body, and promote a sense of calm.

Power posing for confidence:

Strike a power pose! Research has shown that adopting confident body postures can actually impact your mindset. Before going on camera, find a private space and stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders back, and chin up. Place your hands on your hips or raise them triumphantly. Hold this pose for a couple of minutes to boost your confidence and reduce stress.

Embrace brevity and clarity:

Live news segments often have limited time, so make every word count. Focus on delivering succinct and concise responses that are easy for viewers to understand. Avoid rambling or going off on tangents. Keep your points clear, coherent, and relevant to ensure your message resonates effectively.

Master the art of storytelling:

Engage your audience through storytelling. Incorporate relevant anecdotes or examples that illustrate your points and make them relatable. Storytelling adds depth and humanises your expertise, capturing the attention of viewers and enhancing their connection with you.

Connect with the interviewer and audience:

Establish a rapport with the interviewer and viewers by maintaining eye contact, nodding affirmatively when appropriate, and responding empathetically. Engage with the host's questions directly, and speak to the audience as if you're having a conversation with them. Authenticity and connection will make your expertise shine through.

Remember, live news appearances are valuable opportunities to amplify your reach, build credibility, and establish yourself as an authority in your field. With careful preparation, concise messaging, and confident delivery, you'll leave a lasting impression on both the audience and the host.